Monday, October 13, 2008

The Healing Powers of Bird Watching

When Austin was very young--about 4 or 5--he told me, "I was born to love birds." At the time I just thought it was cute, but now that he's almost 14, I have to believe him. Bird watching remains one of his favorite things to do in the world. His bird knowledge is impressive--from identification to migration patterns to imitating bird calls.

Recently, the Delmarva Ornithological Society started a youth birding club, called the Delaware Dunlins. This past Saturday was our 3rd outing with them. During a slideshow presentation on raptors, Austin actually raised his hand twice--not to answer a question, but just to ask one. This is remarkable behavior for my sweet, standoffish ASD child. Not only did he engage in this way, but the leaders are very appreciative of him. They recognize his interest and knowledge that he goes to such pains to hide from everyone and they look for ways to draw it out of him. And the other children are so kind and attentive to him, not showing the inclination to be put off by his antisocial behavior that I have come to expect. By the time we left Saturday, I wanted to hug everyone there (but wisely refrained). It means a great deal to me that there is a place where I can take my son and know that he will be accepted as a contributing member of the group.


  1. You must be so proud Jen! I am amazed by the growth in Austin remembering back to when he was much younger. Each time my Parents have come out they have been so impressed by him also. I can see how hard he works to go against what seems to be the natural tendencies of Autism. He does have a great love of Birds he knows way more than anyone I know about them. I am glad this group has welcomed Austin with appreciation of his participation. That is great! I have to say thought that we sure missed you Saturday.

  2. I'm so glad he has a group like that to be part of now! I remember when he was younger and he had bird books with him at church. I never paid attention to the fact that they were something he loved so much. It's nice he has that. Does my obsession with Josh, Jane Austen, or a cute stuffed turtle count in that?
