Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Christian the Lion

So, the Whitney Houston music in this clip makes it especially sugary and corny, but it's still a moving story. Check out the complete story here. And if this video inspires you to get in touch with an old friend, just remember they are unlikely to greet you quite like this.


  1. Ah this is so sweet. That must have been amazing.

  2. Even I myself was touched by this...and you know how I am about the animals :)

  3. I watched this with my mouth open. I want a lion!

  4. Wow,they sure were brave. I have to admit, I was waiting for the lion to take a big chomp out of that guys face. maybe I am in that mind set because a few of my friends I am sure are very upset with me for not keeping in better touch...A big hug and a lick on the face I could handle that!

  5. Thats amazing. That lion hugged them DESPITE their crazy hair. Yes that is definitely true love:)

  6. lol
    Maybe the crazy hair was actually the reason the lion related to them so well.
