Courtesy of Lorien . . . my 3's:
3 Joys-My children. I was going to include them in with "my family," but they fill an entirely different portion of my soul than the rest of my family, so they deserve top billing all on their own. They are part of almost every waking moment of my life and I have learned to love that aspect of my life. I have already learned so much about love (and patience) from them and I can feel myself learning more every day.
-My family. My wonderful husband is truly my very best friend in life. He has never spoken a cruel word to me and has been my safe and secure haven from the world going on 16 (yikes!) years. My parents, too, have given me such unfailing love and support throughout every twist and turn life has dealt me.
-My home. There is no place on earth where I feel the peace I feel at my home. I love feeling like I am in my own little world, being able to walk outside and see nothing but trees and hear nothing but nature.
3 Fears-Being separated from my children, either by death or some other unthinkable event.
-The dark. I need to see what's coming. I probably have big control issues.
-The dentist. The smells! The sounds! The horror!
3 Goals-To help my Austin to have a full and productive life.
-To go back to school. I am such a school junkie. I don't even know what I would study, but I would love to go to graduate school someday.
-To take my kids on a cross-country roadtrip. This may prove to be out of reach, but I would love to do it.
3 Current Obsessions or Collections
Obsession is my main modus operandi. If I like something for more than 5 minutes, chances are I will develop an obsession with it. I can be awfully fickle, though, and easily abandon one obsession for the next. I do have a few enduring obsessions, however.
-Computers. If it can get done on a computer, it always moves to the top of my to-do list. I love my machines. Love, love, love.
-Organizing. Most people who know me will fall over in shock when they read this, because I am not very organized. I am, however, completely and dysfunctionally addicted to the process. I love to plan, make lists, schedules, flowcharts, etc. I could do it all day long--on my computer, of course.
-Autism. Don't ever ask me about this topic unless you are prepared to cruelly pull the plug on the conversation, because I could go on for hours. Causation, symptoms, biomedical treatments, behavioral interventions, I find it all endlessly fascinating.
3 Random/Surprising Facts-I love to do my taxes. Early in our marriage, John and I used to compete over who got to do them. It was always a big victory for the one who got hold of the W2 first. Yeah, I know, I'm a freakish nerd. I'm okay with that.
-I hate chocolate and soda.
-When I was in college, I was a subversive, liberal, vegetarian (for a little while, anyway), grunge-loving, man-hating, shaved-head, cross-dressing, folksinger. I looked like this:

Just be glad the picture is not bigger.